Water Cooler 饮水机 ; [机] 水冷却器 ; 水冷器 ; 冷却器
jacket water cooler 水套冷却器 ; 气缸套冷却水冷却器 ; 水套水冷器 ; 缸套水冷却器
drinking water cooler [制冷] [建] 饮用水冷却器
chat around the water cooler 办公室里闲聊
electric water cooler 电冷水器 ; 电力泠水器
water-cooler 重复冷却系统 ; 水冷
piston water cooler 活塞水冷却器
clear glass water cooler 透明玻璃冷水器
evaporative water cooler 汽化水冷器
Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip, and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations were a legacy of the last time I was in that kind of office environment.
Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations were a legacy of the last time I was in that kind of office environment.
It was a story they'd shared around the water cooler.