WATER SPRITE(水精灵) 面部 Bitter, Electric Eel, Aquadisiac, Frozen White, Blue Peep 眼部 Electric Eel, Aquadiscia, Blu-Noir, Frozen White 唇...
Water Sprite II 水精灵二号酒店
同义词: water nymph water spirit
以上来源于: WordNet
Is it the water Sprite who lives there, and occasionally throws a bubble, greeting the pedestrians around the lake naughtily?
In addition to trademark Coke, the company sells Sprite, Fanta, VitaminWater, Dasani bottled water and Minute Maid orange juice.
除了可口可乐商标以外,该公司还销售雪碧,芬达,VitaminWater, Dasani瓶装水和Minute Maid橙汁。
We have water, orange juice, Coke, Sprite and coffee.