5.水蒸气压力(water vapour pressure),单位为kPa,表示由水蒸气引起的空气压力,它是气压的组成部分,图中下部斜线,数值标在图的右下角;见图2.14和图2.39。
Saturation water vapour pressure 饱和水蒸气压
water-vapour pressure law 水汽压力定律
saturated water vapour pressure [气象] 饱和水汽压
relative water vapour pressure 相对水蒸气压力
The ground effective radiations are calculated based on the ground temperature. air temperature. water vapour pressure and total cloud cover.
More specifically, we can say that there is a trend towards equilibrium between the water vapour pressure in the product and the partial pressure of the water vapour in the air.
The vapour cone effect is caused by pressure differences around the aircraft. A sudden drop in pressure associated with high speed allows water vapour, which is normally invisible, to condense as fog.