We better get going!最好立刻就走! Absence makes the heart grow fonder,在上眼球跟眼眶连接的地位微微的往下按,最好从藏书楼借,题。
... There you go again!你又来了! Time is running out!没有时间了! We better get going!最好马上就 ...
... There you go again!你又来了! Time is running out!没偶然间了! We better get going!最好立时就走 ...
We are going to get far better at this as our understanding of the brain improves.
But what I want the American people and our partners around the world to know is this: we are going to get through this, "said Obama." Things will get better, and we are going to get there together.
We do believe that we can achieve progress, but it's going to get worse before it gets better, just as did Iraq.
So we found precisely one point on this best response picture, and there's a lot of points to find, and it's 20 past 12, so we better get going.
All right, next time we're going to talk about a much better scale, which is the ideal gas thermometer and how we get to the Kelvin scale.
Let's go the other direction. And yes, I guess I'd better say s not 2, or we're going to get an error here. Again, in twenty-three checks.