Ajax基本原理及其Web应用探讨_唯E网络|靖江网站建设,靖江SEO,靖江网站设计,靖江网站制作,靖江网站优化,靖江网络公司 关键词:Ajax; Web应用程序; XML [gap=521]Key words: Ajax; Web application program; XML
three-tier Web application program 三层Web应用程序
web based database application program 基于web的数据库应用程序
web server application program web服务器应用程序
web database application program web数据库应用程序
However, if your program is part of a customer-facing Web application, you cannot throw out stack traces and error codes.
The test program from CloudscapeDemo.zip, provided as a stand-alone file for those who want to mix it into their existing Web application.
Mozilla's early goals were extremely ambitious—the original Mozilla application suite included a browser, a complete mail and newsgroup program, a web design tool, and an IRC client.
Mozilla 早期的野心很大,Mozilla 最早的应用套件包括浏览器,邮件和新闻组程序,Web 设计工具,IRC 聊天工具。