WSO2在刚刚过去的夏季发布了作为它们的Web 服务应用服务器(Web Services Application Server,WSAS)组成部分的一个 数据服务框架,以便让从SQL数据库创建数据服务的过程变得更加容易些。
After reading this article, you should be familiar with the core issues and tasks for implementing and accessing stateful resources through a Web services interface within Application Server.
在阅读完本文之后,您应该熟悉在Application Server中通过Web服务接口实现和访问有状态的资源的核心问题和任务。
This is the endpoint address of the WebSphere Application Server Web services runtime containing the calculator service.
这是包含计算器服务的 WebSphere Application Server Web 服务运行时的端点地址。
These individual commands on the data adapter could be either exposed as Microsoft IIS Web methods or as DB2 embedded application server Web services using the DB2 WORF technology.
数据适配器上的这些单独命令要么公开为Microsoft IIS Web方法,要么公开为使用DB 2 WORF技术的DB 2嵌入式应用服务器Web服务。