... Once there was a giving tree 从前有棵奉献的树 Who loved a little boy 她爱着一个小男孩 And everyday the boy would come to play 每天这个男孩都会来玩 ...
There was a small boy who had been given a little terrier for his very own, on which he bestowed the name of Paddy, and loved mightily.
Quickly his dream broke. The person who sponsored his was an exiled one he had saved When he was a little boy. And Havisham whom he loved deeply left him.
很快,他的绅士梦醒了:那个资助他的恩人,竟然是他小时候曾帮助过的一名苦役 流放犯 ,而他那位情有独钟的埃斯苔娜又离开了他。
When the boy who was reading a book which his father bought for him in the room where he lived, a little girl whom he loved very much rushed in and gave him a big hug.