wild fig tree 野生无花果
Wild Fig & Cassis 无花果 ; 果与黑醋栗
Wild Fig and cassis 无花果与黑醋栗
Wild Fig&Ca 野无花果
Common Wild Fig 佟氏榕
Wild Fig &Cassis 无花果黑醋栗
同义词: golden fig Florida strangler fig strangler fig Ficus aurea
同义词: Clusia flava
以上来源于: WordNet
The pair play in long grass in the shade of bamboo, fig and wild banana trees.
Fig. 1 The distribution and in situconservation status of the key protected wild plants in Shanxi. 1.
图1 山西省重点保护野生植物的地理分布和就地保护现状。
Fig. 6. Comparison of the amino acid sequences between wild type and OsbHLH116 mutants. Blue lines and boxes denote basic-helix-loop-helix domain;
图6 野生型与株突变体氨基酸序列比对蓝色直线和方框-碱性-螺旋-环-螺旋结构域;