野生种(wild species):自然生长出来的,不是刻意 栽种的植物。此包括有(1)原生种(native species): 刘淑芬等-台中市太平区校园草本植物调查与分...
... 育种材料收集区 bank of breeding materials 野生树种 wild species 栽培树种 cultivated species ...
a type of wild species 一种野生种
Semi-wild species 半野生种
lilium wild species 百合野生种
potato wild species 马铃薯野生种
diploid wild species 二倍体野生种
Tobacco Wild Species 烟草野生种
relative wild species 近缘野生种
The abundant cotton wild species has been the valuable genetic germplasm,and which has been significant in the reality and theory, potential in the application.
参考来源 - 棉花原生质体培养与融合·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The jaguar has been listed as endangered since 1997, the highest level of peril for a wild species.
Equally shy are the Dumbo octopi, the only wild species to be named after a Disney character.
还有怕羞的“小飞象”章鱼(Dumbo octopi),它是唯一以迪斯尼动画形象命名的野生物种。
The jaguar has been listed since 1997 as endangered, the highest level of peril for a wild species.
Until two years ago, the Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union said Przewalski's horses were extinct in the wild.
VOA: special.2010.06.22
The goal of such programs is to later place the species back into the wild.
VOA: special.2009.11.18
They learned that the wild cats might be of two species instead of just one.
VOA: special.2010.06.22