[ 复数 winks 第三人称单数 winks 现在分词 winking 过去式 winked 过去分词 winked ]
Wink Camera 眨眼快门 ; 自拍摄像头
Lucky wink 莱克风
Wink Show 李珉宇
sky wink 天空眨眼
Wink Love 眨眼爱
Never Wink 千万别眨眼
Wink Bauch 标签
wink pulsing 发送闪烁脉冲
wink operation 闪烁脉冲控制 ; 强迫释放运行
V-I When you wink at someone, you look toward them and close one eye very briefly, usually as a signal that something is a joke or a secret. 眨眼示意
Brian winked at his bride-to-be.
N-COUNT Wink is also a noun. 眨眼
I gave her a wink.
N-COUNT a disc used in the game of tiddlywinks 弹塑料片游戏中用的塑料圆片
PHRASE If you say that you did not sleep a wink or did not get a wink of sleep, you mean that you tried to go to sleep but could not. 没合一下眼 [非正式]
I didn't get a wink of sleep on the flight.