...zetacola的一首歌 算不算推广?好像不用我推广呢 ... You are mutilated你中毁伤了 With a-adrenaline rush开着冲动 you fall into hell地域在向你招手了 ...
Endris lived for the adrenaline rush that came with outracing a roaring wave, the cold salty spray stinging his face as he barreled underneath the curving white water.
Endris 能活下来是因为肾上腺素激流超过了怒浪的速度,冰冷的咸水刺着他的脸当他在不断起伏的水下像桶一样喝水的时候。
With the armorsmith trinket and adrenaline rush there is nothing a priest can do against me.
Over lunch, he admitted that when he left office in 2008, he suffered a bout of the blues: without the adrenaline rush of power, it was tough to cope with the endless criticism of his policies.