[ 复数 wobblies 比较级 wobblier或more wobbly 最高级 wobbliest或most wobbly ]
Wobbly Bobbly 糖果危机
wobbly a 摇摆不定的
feel wobbly and rough 感到四肢无力
wobbly note 摇摆音
Wobbly Land 蹦蹦跳仙子
wobbly pen 摇头笔
To throw a wobbly 非常愤怒
Wobbly Rail 出版者
ADJ Something that is wobbly moves unsteadily from side to side. 摇晃的
I was sitting on a wobbly plastic chair.
...a wobbly green dessert.
Corporate lending and parts of consumer credit, such as credit cards and car loans, are wobbly.
That's true for voters. But government subsidy is a wobbly foundation on which to build a business.
The evening got off to a wobbly start.