...可以分为四组: 弦乐组 ( String ) :小提琴 Violin中提琴 Viola大提琴 Cello低音提琴 Double Bass竖琴 Harp木管乐器 ( Woodwind ) :长笛 Flute双簧管 Oboe单簧管 Clarinet巴… 显示全部
...可以分为四组: 弦乐组 ( String ) :小提琴 Violin中提琴 Viola大提琴 Cello低音提琴 Double Bass竖琴Harp木管乐器 ( Woodwind ) :长笛Flute双簧管 Oboe单簧管..
woodwind instrument 木管乐器
The Woodwind Family 木管乐器
Woodwind Ens 木管合奏
Art of Woodwind 笛声萧色
Woodwind & Brass Instruments 木管乐器和铜管乐器
woodwind Quintet 木管五重奏
Woodwind Performance 木管乐器 ; 木管乐器表演
同义词: woodwind instrument wood
以上来源于: WordNet
N-VAR Woodwind instruments are musical instruments such as flutes, clarinets, and recorders that you play by blowing into them. 管乐器 [oft N n]
A symphony orchestra is composed of a variety of brass, woodwind, percussion and stringed instruments.
He won first prize in the woodwind section.
Cor anglais is a musical instrument of the woodwind group.
Okay. Now we're going to go on and talk about a woodwind instrument here so Lynda, come on up.
Okay. So obviously we've now seen a little bit of the brass family and the woodwind family, and the other principal section of the orchestra would obviously be the string family.
She is a PhD candidate in the department of music, just passed her qualifying exam with flying colors, so here she is to demonstrate the bassoon for us, lowest member of the woodwind family.