... Working Things Out 别让一根蜡烛两头烧 working-out 算出 what happened to working it out 发生了什么工作出来 ...
working out 前进式开采 ; 产量 ; 装卸货量 ; 产量装卸货量作业量
Working out Schedules for Activities 安排活动日程 ; 布置活动日程
Stop working out 停止锻炼
Sheet working out 表格制作
working out budgetary revenue 安排收入预算
working out a scheme 方案编制
scheme working-out 方案制订
“The outlines of working out of Wang Tan villagers”is the second section, which introduces the fundamental situation of Wang Tan village, the condition of working out of villagers and the reasons of working out.
参考来源 - 村民外出打工影响村庄治理研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: elaboration working out
以上来源于: WordNet
We need to get down to the serious business of working out costs.
She's working out in Australia.
The weather was fine enough for working out of doors.
Twenty-year-old Desirae Somerville is working in a school office and also helping out at the recreation center.
VOA: special.2009.08.20
But the bath would be a place where at least especially the men would go, after they'd been working out in the gymnasium, and you go and--this is where the public toilets were too.
But yeah, most of the time I'm just working out with pull-ups and whatever else there is here.