从计算机出现的早期开始,程序员管理就是一个极具挑战的难题,如下面这段由第二次世界大战(WWII)期间成为世界上第一批程序员的Grace Hopper写于 1961 年的文字所述: 程序员是一个古怪的群体……
下载 2月前更新 荣誉之山:二战 策略战棋 | 02-14 | 23.7MB HillsofGlory:WWII(荣誉之山:二战)是一款独特的塔防类的游戏,和一般的游戏不太一样,荣誉之山:二战的场景是固定的,敌人会从四面八方围过来。
WWII Normandy 二战诺曼底
WWII in HD 高清二战
WWII-The Complete History 二战风云录
WWII Battle Tanks 二战坦克T
Iron Aces Heroes of WWII 空战高手二战英雄
Winter Fury WWII 二战寒冬之怒
WWII from Space 从太空看二战
ABBREVIATION for World War Two 第二次世界大战
Corrado, a translator for the army during WWII, was killed in action in Europe.
The Great Scientific Exodus during WWII
Too often today's debt crisis is compared to WWII.
"My dad was a combat Marine in Korea and WWII, and he was a rugby coach and a football coach at the University of California.
VOA: standard.2010.05.31
Blair's very vocal critics are lining up. Opposition Conservative politician and member of the Intelligence and Security committee Richard Ottaway says it appears that the most significant foreign affairs initiative Britain has dealt with since the WWII was argued and debated on a false premise and that he says that raises profound constitutional questions.
VOA: standard.2009.12.13