X Window System 设置核心服务记录日志 ; 图形界面 ; 显示器
sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core 一般都已安装
X Window System Binding X窗口系统汇编
groupinstall 'X Window System' -y 先安装图形用户接口
以上来源于: WordNet
The xev program output lists every X Window System event in the attached window.
xev 程序输出将在连接的窗口中列出每个 X Window System 事件。
Minimal package selection with X installs a minimal system that contains the X Window System.
Minimal package selection with X 安装最小化系统,但包含 X Window System。
The X window System itself is really just an API that has calls such as "draw a window at these coordinates."
X Window系统本身实际只是一个具有诸如“在这些坐标上绘制一个窗口”等调用的API。