Adonai 的意思应该是「一切的主,或「至高的主 耶和华 (Yahweh) 「耶和华(希伯来文 Yahweh)是翻译自一个四个子音字母的希伯来字 YHWH。这字原初的写法是没有元音的。
Name of Yahweh 至圣之名
Yahweh El Gemolah 耶和华伊利格摩拉
Kol Yahweh 上帝的声音
Yahweh-Shalom 耶和华沙龙
Thus says Yahweh 吾主上主这样说 ; 上主这样说
ne'um-Yahweh 耶和华说的
Yahweh Nissi 耶和华尼西
N a vocalization of the Tetragrammaton, used esp by Christian theologians 耶和华; 为“上帝”的希伯来语发音,使用者多为神学家。 [Old Testament]
What's interesting about the Song of the Sea is that here the Hebrews adopt the language of Canaanite myth and apply it to Yahweh.
Some scholars believe that Yahweh was originally a tribal deity—a god whom the Hebrews worshiped and considered superior to the pagan gods.
There are two designations used for God. Yahweh, which is the sacred Tetragrammaton, it's written with four letters in Hebrew, they don't include vowels.
The assertion is not that there is no other god, but that Israel will have no other god before Yahweh.
So in Exodus 4:22, Yahweh tells Moses to say to Pharaoh "Thus says the Lord, 'Israel is my firstborn son.
Choose this day which ones you are going to serve, but I in my household will serve Yahweh," serve the Lord.