YEA I SAW HIM 路上偶然遇到了你的他 ; 偶然在路上看见了你的男人 ; 发现了哦
yea and nay 模棱两可 ; 踌躇不决
yea yea 我最大的幸福
yea-sayer 肯定者 ; 唯唯诺诺者
yea-saying 肯定的 ; 抱积极态度的
yea you did babe 总是如此 ; 你就像个小孩
Philip Yea 叶博笙
yea-sayers 诺诺之人
Chung Yea Kyung 张忆京
CONVENTION Yea is an old-fashioned, poetic, or religious word for "yes." 是; 对; yes的古时用法,用于诗歌或宗教
CONVENTION Yea is sometimes used to mean "yes" when people are talking about voting for or agreeing to do something. 用于口头表决或表示同意
The yeas are 52 and the nays are 49; the nomination is hereby confirmed.
The board wants input from members before they all vote yea or nay.
Prof.: yea, the supporting evidence.
And you say just one? And I say yea.
This is Comus, line 588 -- the Elder Brother. The brother says: Virtue may be assail'd but never hurt, Surpris'd by unjust force but not enthrall'd, Yea even that which mischief meant most harm Shall in the happy trial prove most glory.
And even all the economists agree that most people will just do that and not spend it, There's a... -So you hear about the stimulus package and it neither enourages you nor outrages you You just shrug, and yawn and go on with your life. -Yea.
The divine brothers banded together, They disturbed Tiamat as they surged back and forth, Yea, they troubled the mood of Tiamat by their hilarity in the Abode of Heaven.