...L ME 专辑名:希亚ZYA同名专辑 词曲:周莹 歌手:希亚 开始我以为 我就是你的天使(EN YEAH) 从次我学会了去爱你 (YEAH THAT‘S ME) 开始我以为 我一首英文歌的歌词里有tell me baby 我也不是很清楚 tell me 什么什么的 要重复两次 是一个男的唱的 好像有说...
...你的天使(EN YEAH) 从次我学会了去爱你 (YEAH THAT‘S ME) 开始我以为 我的天堂很美丽(EN) 这里不能没有了你 (YEAH THAT’S RIGHT) 不再相信 不再想听 感天动地的爱情宣言 不再相信 不再想听 WOHH……
Yeah-Make That Change 作出改善 ; 吔 ; 作出改变
Yeah that where you live 那你住哪里呀
yeah i can hear that 是的 ; 我能听见那些 ; 我听见了 ; 我可以听到
Yeah you do that 你在那干什么呀
yeah just remember that 是的请记住它
Yeah I'm all that 我就是一切
When I finished, he said, "Yeah. That figures."
And you sit there and listen and you say, 'Yeah, that makes sense.
I do believe that there will be a time when we look back and say, 'Oh yeah, that was the plastic age.
And girls are tired and sick of that." "Yeah!"
VOA: special.2010.02.08
There's lots of parts of our bodies that move, the lungs for example, and so yeah that's a good one.
Yeah, I like that, the design of the museum. It's different than the other ones in New York City.