... 禁止掉头 » No U-turn 欢迎你来 » You are welcome to 但是说话从来都没算数过 » Talk but never count ...
... 不要总是问那么愚蠢的问题 » Don't always ask the stupid question 欢迎你再来 » You are welcome to 挂件 » Pendant ...
非常欢迎你来 » You are welcome to 在我看来理论和实践同样重要 » As I see it as important as theory and practice ..
...of working with wild animals » 自从她还是个孩子,在英国,简 dreamede 使用野生动物的成长 You are welcome to » 我们欢迎您 chromosom » 传染性 ..
You are welcome to play 欢迎你们来玩 ; 欢迎你们来玩儿 ; 欢迎你来游玩
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You are welcome to come 非常欢迎你的到来
you are welcome to dinner 我们欢迎您到晚餐 ; 欢迎晚宴 ; 欢迎您来吃饭
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