"It was a conscious intent to make the data look alive," he explains. "My son invented the trails, like patterns in the snow, so you can see how countries have changed."
If you could look inside their head, you'd probably see hundreds or even thousands of ideas waiting for a chance to come alive.
2: in the AD business good ideas are a dime a dozen. Everybody has them. What you look for is a man or woman who can take an idea and make it come alive in words and pictures.
他说:在广告业中多的是好主意,简直比比皆是、人皆有之。然而难得的却是这样的人才:他采纳一条主意,并能使它活灵活现于言语和图象之中。可见a dime a dozen是“容易得到的、比比皆是的”。