you won t understand 你不懂 and if you go i`ll understand 如果你还是将要离开,我会理解; 如果你要走,我会明白 ..
You won "t be able to understand this letter today, but someday, when you" re ready, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I share with you.
Understand me, won "t you try, let" s just kiss and say goodbye.
Please, don "t you cry, understand me, won" t you try, let "s just kiss and say goodbye."
or sorry, you did choose to show up today, we'll understand, but please also understand that the TAs won't have a lot of patience with you if you're asking a question about something that was either covered in the readings, or covered in the lecture and is pretty straight forward. All right?
Restriction enzymes have names, The names all look - they're all italicized and they're capital letters and small letters so that they won't be easy for you to understand, but they are - if you know the nomenclature, easy to understand.