adj. involuntary ; unwitting ; imperceptible ; unconscious
adv. unconsciously
对不起,东西您留下,护照请寄到 » I am sorry, please send things you left behind, the passport 不知不觉的 » Unknowingly 客观要件 » Objective elements ..
次 unwitting » (形) 不知情的, 不知不觉的, 无意识的 I love you like a guardian angel » 我爱你就像一个守护天使 ..
不知不觉的我们 good friends
控制不知不觉的产品 Control of nonconforming product
不知不觉的情况下 virtually
不知不觉的进入 stealthy approach
不知不觉有目的地遗忘 purposeful forgetting
They glanced at each other, and retreated a step by a common and unconscious impulse.
But it's all happening in ways that are both imperceptibly gradual and shockingly fast.
Malware, on the other hand, is malicioussoftware installed on your machine, usually without your knowledge.
There is punishment and before you know it, everybody is insecure in the enjoyment of his or her unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.
It's all similar in that it reminds us of the connection that we have, when we really are feeling fully present, and not mindless, and unaware of everything around us, and our place and our connection.
When someone invented the airplane, before you knew it every country had an airplane because there was a best practice, there was a best technology and it was not unique to any one country.