乃:读nǎiㄋㄞ 象形字。象妇女乳房侧面形是其范式,为“奶”之初文。卜辞多用为虚词。其本义遂隐。在古《康熙字典》中有多种释义。在汉语词典中亦有不同的释义。词性多为虚词。
木乃伊 Mummy ; The Mummy ; Mummy Maze Deluxe ; The Mummy Returns ; mummy
康乃馨 Dianthus caryophyllus ; [园艺] Carnation ; Carn ; carnation
波罗乃兹 Polonaises ; polonaise ; Polonez ; Steyr
班乃岛 Panay ; Pa wonderfulay ; Pa recentay ; Pan excellentay
蒙乃尔合金 Monel ; Monel l metal
戴乃迭 Gladys Yang ; Gladys Margaret Tayler ; gladysb
海纳百川,有容乃大 The ocean is vast because it is fed by hundreds of rivers. ; one should be as inclusive as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers
渡边明乃 Akeno Watanabe ; Anna Williams ; Lizzie Garland ; Lizu
Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do.
The most sensible people to be met with in society are men of business and of the world.
There wasn't one organizing yet around New Haven or nearby in Connecticut so he went to New York and he joined the Sixth New York Cavalry.
This is something brand new in the world and we shall see how it crops up in different forms and how it shapes the course of Greek history.
Uriah Parmelee was a kid who grew up on a Connecticut farm, and the best I've been able to determine his family was part of this market revolution.