... charge charge所指的是正式控告或指责具有违法性质的行为,charge与介词with搭配。 effective 有效的,生效的,起作用的;给人印象深刻的;实际的,事实上的 effectively 有效地、起作用地 ...
事实上的解雇 Constructive Discharge
事实上的所有权 actual ownership
事实上的国民 De facto subjectee
事实上的占有 Corporalis possessio ; actual seizin ; seizen in fact ; corporali o e io
事实上的争论点 issue of fact
事实上的公司 De Facto Company
事实上的承认 de facto recognition ; recognition de facto
事实上的损害 injury in fact
事实上的歧视 de facto discrimination
English has become the DE facto second language for the world.
It was virtually the only aircraft that the Soviet naval aircraft used for antisubmarine warfare.
MD 5算法是事实上的标准摘要哈希算法。
The MD5 algorithm is the DE facto hashing standard for digests.
In fact, it exists, amazingly, in order to hinder understanding in the kinds of texts that we're inclined to call "poetic."
But it's by no means the norm. It's actually, probably I'm a bit unusual like that
That's his argument. It's a kind of infighting because he's talking about two people who are actually very close allies.