“亲”是个多义词,它可以指亲(杨千嬅2012年歌曲), 亲(汉语汉字), 亲(网络含义)。
... 假借为“比”。稠 密 ;多 [dense;close;numerous] 亲 密 (强调关系上的亲近) [close;intimate] 秘 密 的,隐 密 的,慎 密 的 [secret] ...
母亲 Mother ; parent ; madre ; Kabei Our Mother ; mother
父亲 Father ; parent ; Dad ; pater ; father
父亲节 Father's Day ; Father ; fther's dy ; fatherwis day ; father's day
亲属 relative ; kinship ; relation ; family
两岸一家亲 People on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait as One Family ; People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family. People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same family ; people on both sides of the Straits belong to one and the same family
母亲节 Mother's Day ; Mother ; mothering sunday ; Motherwis Day ; mother's day
亲诚惠容 amity; sincerity; mutual benefit and inclusiveness ; the principle of amity; sincerity; mutual benefit and inclusiveness
亲自 Personally
亲爱的 Darlin ; Dearest ; sugar
Now I'll pick up with this next Tuesday; it's a perfect transition into the pro-slavery argument and southern worldview. Thank you.
Southern pro-slavery defenders are much more likely to stress a human's duty, than they're ever to stress a human's rights.
Although pro-slavery writers will become deeply contemptuous of Natural Law of Natural Law doctrine as it can be applied to the possibilities of man.