...苏格兰(Scotland): 丹尼斯劳 达格利什 阿兰汉森 吉米约翰斯通 索内斯 沙特(Saudi Arabia): 代亚耶亚 伊朗(Iran): 代伊 马达维基亚 威尔士(Wales): 吉格斯 伊恩拉什 查尔斯 特立尼达和多巴哥(Trinidad and Tobago): 约克 ...
伊朗核问题 the Iranian nuclear issue ; Iranian nuclear issue ; the nuclear issue of Iran ; Iran nuclear Issue
伊朗核 the Iranian nuclear issue
我在伊朗长大 Persepolis ; Pe epolis ; Persepolis-Optimum Releasing
伊朗里亚尔 Iranian rial ; IRR ; Iran Rial ; IRR to BND
伊朗高原 Iranian plateau ; Plateau of Iran ; Iran Plat. Of ; Iran Plateau
伊朗航空 iran air ; IR ; Iran National Airlines IR
伊朗核问题全面协议 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
伊朗国家石油公司 National Iranian Oil Company ; NIOC ; NIOC PORTAL ; National Iranian Oil Co
伊朗国家银行 Bank Melli Iran ; Bank Melli of Iran ; Bank Markazi Iran ; National Bank of Iran
Synge's play, The Playboy of the Western World it was set in the Aran Islands, in Western Ireland.
Iran, unfortunately, becuase of our relations with Iran, Iran could be a much bigger and better parterner in Afghnastan.
So that you have civil war in Iraq, and the Iranians there, the Saudis, the Turks worrying about the Kurts.