传染病学家 epidemiologist
国际传染病学会 ISID
美国传染病学期刊 American Journal of Epidemiology ; Am J Epidemiol
传染病学报 Journal of Infect Disease
美国传染病学会 Infectious Diseases Society of America ; IDSA
临床传染病学 Clinical Infectious Diseases
传染病学研究生学位 Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases
灾害传染病学研究中心 CRED
传染病学期刊 The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Objective To improve the efficiency of internship teaching in infectious diseases.
They are some experts on the study of the epidemiology of the common cold.
The history of anthrax is intimately associated with the history of bacteriology and infectious disease.
Now the intervention studies are stronger methods than the epidemiology studies but they're also more difficult studies to do.
The epidemiology studies are what a lot of our information comes from.
I'd like to give you examples of three of very famous epistudies on diet and health: The Framingham Heart Study, The Seven Country Study, and The Nurses' Health Study, and then we'll talk about some of the overall results from these sort of things.