使用价值 使用价值就是价值,经济学的价值就是使用价值。产品的本质是使用价值。只有实现的价值才有使用价值,只有在使用的价值才是实现的价值。
...uld watch TV in a right time » 看电视是一个不错的放松方式,但我认为我们应该在合适的时间观看电视 Value-in-use » 使用价值 conspiracy plotted » 策划的阴谋 ..
非使用价值 NUV ; Non Use Value ; use value
边际使用价值 MUV ; Marginal Use Value
客观使用价值 [经] objective use value ; objective value in use
直接使用价值 direct use value ; DUV
现行使用价值 existing use value
使用价值量 magnitude of use-value ; value
经济或使用价值 economic or use value
无使用价值颗粒 non-consumable berry
劳动力使用价值 labor force's use value
Non-use value is an inherent attribute of ecosystem. To scientifically and rationally evaluate this value is of significance in managing and properly allocating ecological resources.
参考来源 - 北京市湿地生态系统非使用价值·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This paper introduced utilization values, cultivation methods, harvest and process, and resource protection of Cibotium barometz.
From this analysis came the concepts value in use and value in exchange.
You see that little thing says dot Cartesian point in there.
because a lot of those things... the only way that you can account for them is by using fair value,
That may be the thing that has the biggest value, because let's say if you have guys in the product development team, and they're using one particular way of doing things, another team is using something completely different, off in another country, somebody's using something different.