...网络(Network), 我甜蜜的家(My sweet home), 我的星期天(My Sunday), 时间未必等于金钱(Time Doesnt D, 做家务(Make homgworker), 我的表哥(My brother), 简单介绍一种动物并说说给人们带, 游览香山(A Visit to the Fragra, 我父亲是一个温和的人(My father, ...
帮妈妈做家务 Help mum do the housework ; help my mom with housework ; help my mother do housework
先帮妈妈做家务 let us help mom first ; Let us help ; Let Us Help Mom
做家务事 do housework ; do house work
帮助某人做家务 help with the housework
帮着做家务 Help around the house
帮助做家务 help with the housework ; help to do housework ; Help with household chores
做家务劳动 do housework
不爱做家务的 undomesticated
主动帮忙做家务 Do The Chores