准,zhun,从水、隼声。谓水之平也。 天下莫平於水,水平谓之准。因之制平物之器亦谓之准。 (1) 准本为凖的俗字,现为凖的简化字。但在未简化前,准习用的意义,与凖字有别。 (2) 公文用语 [permit]。始于唐·五代, 表示允许,认可。
准将 Brigadier General ; Brigadier General (Brig. Gen.) ; Brigadier ; Commodore
会计准则 accounting codes ; [会计] accounting standard ; Standard accounting practice ; accounting principle
准则学 canonical philosophy; the Criterion; The Canon; the Canonics ; canonical philosophy; the Criterion; The Canon; the Canonics; kanonike
准入前国民待遇 pre-establishment national treatment (PENT) ; pre-established national treatment ; the pre-establishment national treatment ; Post-Establishment National Treatment
准备 prepare ; [科技] Preparation ; ready ; brace for
理论准备 the theoretical basis ; theoretical basis ; theoretical preparation
定向降准 targeted reduction of the bank required reserve ratio ; targeted cuts to required reserve ratios
扶贫标准 standard ; the poverty line
廉政准则 code of conduct on clean governance ; the Code of Conduct for Building Clean and Honest Government
国际标准化组织 International Organization for Standardization ; ISO ; international standard organization ; international standardization organization
Then, as one who'd waited precisely for her maledict voice to hoarsen, I outshouted her in these terms: "Therefore come to bed, my equal, uncursing, uncursed!"
There's something else called quasi-magical thinking, which was a term coined many years later by Eldar Shafir and Amos Tversky.
That little semi-religious speech about modeling, I think economists, those of you who are Economics majors you're thinking, yeah, what's the problem?