n. framer ; originator
The second section briefly describes the opera Turandot, the story and its creators.
参考来源 - 解读普契尼歌剧《图兰朵》中的“中国元素”Televised documentary derives from movies, the early homiletic works became a tool for framer to realize their propaganda purpose.
参考来源 - 中国新时期电视纪录片的美学进展Second,contemporary jewelry art contributed the platform of jewelry verb process and the conversion of the creator’ s position.
参考来源 - Jewellery v[I·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The creators of the original X-Men abbreviated the title of its sequel to simply X2.
版权保护原创艺术作品或脑力劳动成果 (如歌曲或小说)的创作者。
A copyright protects the creator of an original artisitic or intellectual work, such as a song or a novel.
Cartoon creator Fujio's widow Masako Fujimoto said Doraemon transcends culture and language making him popular with children worldwide.
Now not only does Phoebus Apollo make a sudden appearance, but he seems actually to interrupt the speaker of the poem in order to correct him.
It's different. It's outside you and that's the reason for creating it.
Now in the first original poem that Milton wrote in English, titled "At a Vacation Exercise," Milton and you will come to recognize this as so unbelievably Miltonic Milton doesn't write about love or about death or about any of the subjects that typically engage the youngest practitioners of poetry.