n. vice-president ; veep
misc. vice president
... Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理来源:优习网 Vice-President 副总裁 Transportation Manager 运输经理来源:优习网 ...
... VE value engineering 价值工程 Veep Vice president 副总裁 VER voluntary export restraint 自愿出口限制 ...
副总裁助理 Assistant Vice-President ; Assistant to VP ; PLM-AX
执行副总裁 Executive Vice-President ; EVP ; Executive VP ; Executive Vice President
市场副总裁 Vice-President of Marketing ; VP Marketing ; Lisa Selip ; President of Marketing
高级副总裁 SVP ; Senior Vice President ; Senior VP ; Gilles Ste-Croix
人力资源副总裁助理 Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources ; President of Human Resources ; ASSISTENT VP
高级执行副总裁 EVP ; SEVP ; Senior Executive Vice President
人力资源副总裁 vice president of Human Resources ; HRVP ; VP of HR
销售副总裁 vice president of Sales ; sales VP ; of sales
第一副总裁 FVP
According to the firm's vice-president of marketing and sales, "We benefited from low expectations."
他的高级副总裁 Juliet Jiang 说:“他靠锅炉发家致富。”
His senior vice-president, Juliet Jiang, says, "He made his fortune on boilers."
Dean Granholm, the vice president for delivery and post office operations, said the first wave of closings would begin this fall.