... 十二经 twelve regular channels 十二时 traditional twelve two-hour periods 十二脏 twelve internal organs ...
劝学十二时 On Encouraging Learning: To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
咏史十二时 Odes to Historical Figures: To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
圣教十二时 On Sacred Teachings: To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
禅门十二时 The Zen Gates: To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
法体十二时 On Essential Buddhahood (Dharmakaya): To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
维摩十二时 On Vimalakirti: To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
学道十二时 On Pursuing Enlightenment: To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
劝凡夫十二时 On Persuading Mortals : To the Tune of Shi Er Shi
十二时行孝文 On Practicing Filial Piety: To the Tune of Shi Er Shi