印度总督(Governor-General of India),指英国在印度的管理首脑。从1773年这个总督头衔被授予沃伦·黑斯廷斯到1950年印度共和国废除这一职务,共有45人拥有这一称号。总督任期一般为5年期限,但能被革除及早退。
印度总督(Governor-General of India) (或称Governor-General and Viceroy of India) 英国在印度的管理首脑。1773年这个职务被任命,与总督头衔被授予沃伦·黑斯廷斯。
...List of GovernorsGeneral of Australia ; Australia Governor General 印度总督 Governor-General of India ; British Viceroy ; Viceroy and Governor-General of India ; Viceroy of india 陕甘总督 Viceroy of Shaan-Gan ..
西印度公司于是指派彼得·史蒂文森(Peter Stuyvesant,STY-ve-sent)为新任的殖民地总督。
The West India Company appointed Peter Stuyvesant (STY-ve-sent) as the new director general. Stuyvesant was the ideal candidate for the job of taming a wild frontier town.
The penultimate viceroy of India may have possessed all the manly virtues extolled in Rudyard Kipling's famous poem "If".
If my Uncle thinks I could be glad to leave him, though I was going to be made Governor of all the Islands in the West Indies, that's enough.