变质(biàn zhì)是指人的思想或事物的本质变得与原来不同(多指向坏的方面转变):蜕化变质|变了质的食品。
adj. metamorphic
misc. go bad
...;物理性因子;化学性因子;生物性因子;坏死组织;变态反应和异常免疫反应;炎症-局部基本病理变化。 1、变质 变质(alteration):炎症局部组织发生的变性和坏死。 2、渗出 渗出(exudation):炎症时血管内的液体和细胞成分经血管壁进入到血管外组织的过程。
... go into调查;研究加入;从事;投入;进入…状态;撞车 go off离开;消失;昏过去;睡去;爆炸;爆发出;开始;(食品)变质;进行 go out出去;熄灭;公布,发表;过时,不再流行 ...
变质岩 [岩] metamorphic rock ; metamorphosed rock ; metamorfic rock ; metamorphite
变质险 risk of isomerization
变质矿床 [地质] metamorphic deposit ; metamorphic ore deposit ; metamorphogenic deposits ; metamorphic mineral deposit
变质剂 alterant ; alterative ; [机] inoculant ; modifier
接触变质带 zone of contact ; [地质] aureole ; contact metamorphic zone ; aureola
变质相 [岩] metamorphic facies ; [岩] densofacies
变质带 [地质] metamorphic zone ; metamorphic belt ; zone of metamorphism
不变质 never degenerating
变质圈 metamorphic aureole
The rocks are intensively deformation、pervasive metamorphose、cataclasis、zoisitization、uralitization and mylonitizaion.2.
参考来源 - 新疆西准噶尔达尔布特蛇绿岩研究Modern commercial transactions have always been transnational. Because of complicated delivery process, cargoes transported by air, sea, or road inevitably undertake various accidental losses, such as stolen, fire, sinking, crush, leakage, and abnormally rot and deterioration.
参考来源 - 论FOB、CFR和CIF贸易术语下的货物风险转移The better modification parameters is:the modifier adding quality is 0.5wt. % of the total amount of alloy(Ln_2O_3 is 0.2%,CaCO_3 is 0.3%);modification time is 10min;modification temperature is 820℃.
参考来源 - 原位MgTrimethylamine (TMA) gas is the main gas come from deterioration of fish and one of the major odor gases existing in urban sewer.
参考来源 - 稀土氧化物掺杂SnO·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Sometimes food goes bad, but people don't know it, so they eat it anyway and then they get sick.
The strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them from spoiling during transportation.
The reason I tell you this is that I don't want people feeling that, well, the paper is going to start to decompose or something if I don't get to him by 5:00 today.
But in any case, it is a profit, but it's no good if it's going to spoil.
Expire Okay, that's a very interesting issue about the--the response was that because the--other food might expire quickly and so that's true; if you're eating things like fruits and vegetables, they only have a certain amount of life before they go bad.