吊灯树(拉丁学名:Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.),别名:腊肠树(台湾木本植物志);乔木,高13-20米,枝下高约2米,胸径约1米。奇数羽状复叶交互对生或轮生,叶轴长7.5-15厘米;小叶7-9枚,长圆形或倒卵形,顶端急尖,基部楔形,全缘,叶面光滑,亮绿色,背面淡绿色,被微柔毛,近革质,羽状脉明显。喜高温、湿润、阳光充足的环境,在中国热带地区都有分布。
'is it any good, this glue?' I asked. She showed me the picture on the box, with this guy hanging upside-down from the ceiling.
From small, optical fiber trees, three-dimensional stars, fish type chandelier, and a dizzying three-dimensional snowflakes.
Optical Fiber series: solid side light of optical fiber, end light of optical fiber, optical fiber cable, Dmx512 optical fiber tree, crystal droplight of optical fiber.