国际热点问题 regional and international hotspot issues
和平解决国际争端和热点问题 the principle of not attacking others unless it is attacked ; peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues
重大国际和地区热点问题 important international and regional hotspot issues
冷对国际热点 Youth Journalist
国际税收协定热点 international tax treaty
国际商务的热点问题 Contemporary Issues in International Business
国际金融下的热点问题 Contemporary Issues in International Finance
With the Iranian nuclear issue, one of the international hot spots, the two sides dealt differently once again.
Study on the wave-tide-surge interaction in shallow sea is one of the up-to-date active research areas around the world.
As its allies age and even shrink inpopulation, the United States could be forced to assume even more of the burdenof policing the world's trouble spots.