土豆泥 (Mashed Potato)又名马铃薯泥,是以土豆为原料,添加一些相应的调料,放到容器中煮熟,以工具捣成泥状,或是先将土豆煮熟后去皮捣成泥再加入其他辅料搅拌均匀,所做成的一种食品。 土豆泥在西餐中广受欢迎,将土豆泥赋予了一种全新的味道,不但口感更加香滑软糯,而且内容更是丰富多多,更适合小孩子的喜好与口味。
n. mash
misc. mashed potato
所谓土豆泥(Mashed Potato)就是以土豆为原料,添加一些相应的调料,放到容器中煮熟,以工具捣成泥状所做成的一种食品,是馋宝宝们最喜欢的辅食之一。
...土豆泥(Mashed Potato)是以土豆为原料,添加一些相应的调料,放到容器中煮熟,以工具捣成泥状;或是先将土豆煮熟后去皮捣成泥再加入其他辅料搅拌均匀...
土豆泥清煎鸡肉 Chicken cutlets with mashed potato
黄油土豆泥 Buttered mashed potatoes
煎*肉饼配土豆泥 Fried pork Hamburger with mashed potato
薯泥/土豆泥 Mashed potato
香辣土豆泥 Aloo Bhaji
蓝莓土豆泥 Blueberry mashed potatoes ; Mashed Potatoes with Blueberry Jam
一道丰富的土豆泥菜 received a hefty bonus ; The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener ; The car has been badly mashed up in the accident
做土豆泥的工具 potato masher
土豆泥摔跤 Potato wrestling
The scent of that crispy brown turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made my mouth water.
This includes making the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, preparing the vegetables (wash and cut), and also setting the table and cleaning the house.