夏威夷王国,是在1810年由欧胡岛、茂夷岛、莫洛凯岛、拉奈岛及夏威夷等岛屿的小型独立部落,在经过一场战争后所统一成立的王国。 卡昊女王(Her Majesty Mahealani Kahau)和追随者于2008年4月30日,冲进旧王宫伊欧拉尼宫(Iolani Palace)的大门,占据王宫的广场,至今每天在广场上搭起帐篷开会,宣称要恢复夏威夷王国。
The islands have seen the disappearance of the Hawaiian kingdom, the decimation of its people and language.
When you visit, please, keep our beautiful land and precious ocean clean; we want to preserve it for the future generations of the Lawful Hawaiian Kingdom.
Mila notices the vibrant and lush green color of the plant kingdoms upon Hawaii, which run from bright green to a pale turquoise color depending upon variety.