外交政策宗旨 foreign policy purpose
和平外交政策 foreign policy of peace
中国外交政策 China’s foreign policy
外交政策规划对话 Foreign Policy Planning Dialogue
独立自主的外交政策 independent foreign policy
睦邻友好的周边外交政策 neighborhood policy of building amity and friendship
独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace
坚持独立自主的外交政策 adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace
Meanwhile, China also entered peaceful and independent diplomatic policy era and the China-EPRK relation developed smoothly.
参考来源 - 中朝政治外交关系研究(1949The author believes this has connection with the goodwill diplomacy policy of the South Korea to the United States .
参考来源 - 韩国亲美外交沿革史研究The diplomatic strategy of china embodies the moderate thoughts of Chinese tradition culture while the diplomatic strategy of Japan shows the dependency and brinkmanship.
参考来源 - 地缘文化视域中的中日关系研究For creating peaceful international environment for new dynasty, Chu Yuanzhang started establishing peaceful diplomatic policy.
参考来源 - 明朝洪武年间的对外关系The author believes this has connection with the goodwill diplomacy policy of the South Korea to the United States .
参考来源 - 韩国亲美外交沿革史研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
These people are very sophisticated observers of the foreign policy scene.
This treaty is the centrepiece of the government's foreign policy.
That is to say not even the best city on Aristotle's account can afford to be without a foreign policy.
Where I agree with the neo-cons is that we must have our foreign policy that is based on our values.
A moral maturity as it comes to economic systems, as it comes to how we treat our most vulnerable, how we do foreign policy, what are some of the pathways as you see in front of us as we do moral maturity as we grow up?