通常称比例尺在1:500—1:10万的地形图为大比例尺地形图。大比例尺地形图由于其位置精度高、地形表示详尽,是规划、管理、设计和建设过程中的基础资料。 随着各大中城市大比例尺地形图数据库建设的完成,大比例尺地形图数据的现势性问题成为人们关注的热点问题,用户对大比例尺地形图数据库提出了“持续更新”的要求。
In order to raise the precision of collage, not less than 16 control points are required for each sheet of the large-scale topographic map, and beside...
The precision of a large scale topographic map is systematically analyzed, which is measured and drawn with the help of coordinate point distributor for the distribution of the detailed points.
By analysing error resulting from the process of terrain map by digital scanning, we studied the precision problem in this process and made this process much more reliable.