...在较高海拔之处开花,同时此区夏季温度,最近20年来已明显地上升,在另一项研究中,总部在美国的 奥杜邦协会 ( Audubon Society )发现,上升的温度让北美300种鸟类,超过一半向北搬移35英里,研究员说全球暖化(global warming)是唯一合理的解释,让这幺多鸟...
国家奥杜邦协会 National Audubon Society
全国奥杜邦协会 National Audubon Society
哥伦比亚奥杜邦协会 CAS
曾任缅因州奥杜邦协会 Maine Audubon Society
美国奥杜邦艺术家协会 Audubon Artists
More than 6,000 people follow the updates on the Connecticut Audubon Society's blog.
"There's no winner in that debate," Bob Sallinger, conservation director with the Audubon Society of Portland, told the Oregonian.
The American birding Association, National Audubon Society and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds are some of the most familiar and most well regarded birding organizations to join.