She, along with a billion other people, understands poverty as we never will.
She knew I'd understand, as I had wrestled with such issues since my teens and at least we were blessed in having time to address the important matters, including her sons' future.
我永远记得我从荷兰娶到了一个美丽的新娘,我们结婚有40年了,养育了一个孩子,她真是为美丽的女性(跟上一任妻子离了? 这块理解的可能不够准确~)。
I will always have a reminder, as I married a wonderful woman from Holland whom I have been married to for 40 years, who gave us a child who has become a beautiful woman.
Sure, she goes away--we have to understand this: we know our mother goes away, but guess what?
Milton wants the reader to know that she's fallen, we are all fallen, and any problem that we have in understanding the theology of heaven and hell is our problem as fallen readers.
Student: I agree with her. It's disturbing how much we identify with Humbert, how we're made to see the world through his eyes, and we kind of-- even I--grew to like him a lot.