专业技术涵盖专业理论知识和技术,造型区风格则包含让顾客变美的能力(Look Good)及让顾客拥有好感觉(Feel Good),个人能量则是任何专业领域成功都需具备的,包含积极的心态、抗挫折能力、不断冲破自己等等
... TFairy tale-my last teenage wish- 仙女传说 Feel Fine! 好感觉 Ride On Time 骑著时间 ...
美好感觉 Nice Feeling ; Feeling good ; feel good factor
好感觉剃须刀座 Feel Good Razor Holder
美好感觉随风飞扬 How I wondered where they'd gone
好感觉度假酒店 Feelin' good Resort
感觉很好 Feel Good Inc ; I Feel Fine ; feeling well ; feel oneself
感觉好 feel good ; Feeling Good ; feel weel
我好象感觉 sth tells me
感觉真好 Camila Benson ; Feelin' Good ; I Feel Good ; FeelinGood
Being lonely for long periods of time is not a great feeling.
Every dollar counts but what really counts is the good feeling of giving.
When you're going off for two weeks, tidying your desk gives you a nice sense of closure.
Positive emotions not only contribute to our success, they don't just contribute to our feeling good, they also contribute to our wellbeing.
It makes me feel really good and I have a lot of more energy for the rest of the day.
And that, in and of itself is justification: ? why not feel good, if we can feel good?