定向爆破(oriented blasting)利用炸药爆炸的作用,把某一地区的土石方抛掷到指定的地区,并大致堆积成所需形状的一种爆破技术,主要用于修坝(水坝或尾矿坝)、筑路(路堤和路基)、平整土地(工业场地和农田建设)等。对于劳力缺乏,交通不便以及无施工场地的工点尤为适宜。
《定向爆破》(Blow up)是Android平台上玩 定向爆破V_益智休闲_游戏_木蚂蚁安卓市场首页游戏分类益智休闲 定向爆破 V 木蚂蚁市场 木蚂蚁电子市场 木蚂蚁...
定向爆破坝 rockfill dam by directional blasting
定向爆破截流 [水利] directional blasting closure
定向爆破倒塌 directional blasting collapse
折叠定向爆破 folding directional blasting
定向爆破堆石坝 directed blasting rockfill dam
定向抛掷爆破 directional pinpoint blasting ; directional throw blasting
定向断裂控制爆破 directional fracture controlled blasting
During the directional blasting demolition of a brick towering building, security of the directional blasting was influenced seriously by the premature rupture near the middle part of the towering building.
参考来源 - 高耸建筑物爆破拆除中失稳断裂因素的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This paper presents various applied methods of underwater directional blasting and calculation.
Directional blasting is the common used scheme in demolishing chimneys and water towers.
In experiments of directional blasting on flat ground the piles of the thrown grits are comparatively concentrated.