作者:樊崇义 (合著者), 王敏远 (合著者), 郭华 (编者) 出版社: 中国人民公安大学出版社; 第1版 (2011年6月1日) 丛书名: 刑事诉讼法适用丛书 平装: 515页 正文语种: 简体中文 开本: 32 ISBN: 9787565302916 条形码: 9787565302916 产品尺寸及重量: 20.8 x 14.6 x 2.2 cm ; 499 g
载入中... ... 审判委员会 judicial committee - 审判程序 court proceedings; trial procedure 审判组织 trial organization ...
控诉式审判程序 Complaint-type proceedings ; accusatory trial procedures ; Complaint proceedings
特别审判程序 special court procedure
指审判程序的惯例 court precedents
审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision ; trial supervision procedure ; procedure for supervision upon adjudication
简易审判程序 Simple and easy judicial procedure ; giudizio abbreviato
刑事审判程序 Criminal judicial procedure
缺席审判程序 process of judgment by default
审判程序及证据 Court Processes, Evidence and Proof
The case is set to go to trial in October. Microsoft Corp. is also challenging the trademark.
She was taken into custody for an unspecified period yesterday after the presiding judge, Rodion Kireyev, accused her of systematically disrupting the trial’s proceedings.
They actually can be used in a court of law as a stage toward arriving at a verdict.
and you sort of just decide if you want to go into litigation, which is the trial and court practice