... When the dark comes here 当黑暗来临 Tonight to take me up 带我离开 The mouth from woke 醒来之后的嘴唇 ...
...经历 随后,孔雀乐队的成员几经变动,于2007年乐队人员最 逃跑计划 2008年11月,逃跑计划发行了首张EP《带我离开》(Take Me Away),受到了业界的一致好评。 2011年底,逃跑计划英文名称由perdel更名为escape plan,并于2012年1月发行了首张专辑《世界》。
... carefully winding back its fragile thread 请小心翼翼绕回那脆弱的牵系 please take me there 带我离开 I want happiness 我渴望得到幸福 ...
带我离开这里 Take Me Away ; Walk me out of here
请带我离开 Take Me Away ; so take me
带我离开带我离开 Take me away A secret place ; A sweet escape Take me away
你带我离开 You take me away
带我离开专辑 Take Me Away
带我离开去隐蔽之地 Take me away A higher place
带我离开这里吧 take me away from here
谁带我离开 Who take me away
请你带我离开 Please take me away
I tied myself strongly to it with my turban in hopes that the roc next morning would carry me with her out of this desert island.
There are two types of people in this beach, the dead and those who are going to die.
And we will get you out of here in an orderly fashion.
I was born in Japan and I was there until I was ten. And then I came to United States with my family. And as an adult, I went back to Japan with a question "Who am I?" Am I a Japanese?