干扰球 (Goaltending),港译“守龙门”,是指篮球比赛中非法干扰正在下降轨迹中,或在篮框上的射球。若防守球员封阻的时间太迟,篮球已经过了最高点,或篮球已经碰了篮板,则为防守干扰违例,判进攻成功得分。若进攻球员干扰(如射球后篮球还没有离开篮框的上空便把篮球拨入),则判进攻干扰违例,防守得控球权。 这个规则是由NBA第一位传奇巨星、第一位传奇大个子球员乔治·麦肯而定的,因为他每次都能因此封盖对手的投篮。
A player grasps the basket to play the ball. This is valid also after the ball has touched the ring.
FIBA ball is in many ways far different than the NBA: no defensive three-second violation, looser rules on swatting balls away from the rim, and an overall more physical style of play.
在布莱恩特丢球之后,托尼·帕克快攻上篮,奥多姆被吹干扰球,两分算帮马刺在离比赛结束还有28秒时把比分变成91 - 93。
After a miss by Bryant, Tony Parker scored on a break when Odom was called for goaltending, bringing the Spurs within 93-91 with 28 seconds to play.