万年青 Rohdea japonica ; Evergreen ; Baldwin Green ; evergreen
广东万年青 Aglaonema modestum ; Chinagreen Herb ; china green ; Aglaonema
虎眼万年青 Ornithogalum saundersiae ; Ornithogalum caudatum ; star-of-Bethlehem ; OrnithogalumCaudatumAit
年青人 Young people ; youngster ; adolescent ; young adult
紫万年青属 Rhoeo ; Tradescantia
花叶万年青属 Dieffenbachia ; Dieffenbachia Schott
年青的 young ; youthful ; Junius
爱情万年青 EVERGREEN ; A Star Is Born ; ever green
There were several young people sitting around looking bored.
Some young people suddenly become self-conscious and tongue-tied in early adolescence.
Hobbes, in many ways, finds himself in the position of the young military lawyer played in the following movie clip. I'm going to show you.
About 25% to 30% of our students are younger students who are just out of college and are looking to immerse themselves in positive psychology before going on into their professional training.